Search Results - diabetes

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New Drugs for Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes
Background Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a life-threatening autoimmune disease that usually appears in childhood without warning. Current treatment options involve the administration of various insulin analogs and auxiliary therapies. The global market for T1D treatment is over $25 billion and growing. T1D is caused by the immune-mediated destruction...
Published: 6/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Siva Kolluri, Nancy Kerkvliet, Jit Chakravarty, Sebastian Bernales
Keywords(s): Diabetes, pharmaceuticals, Therapeutic, Type 1 Diabetes
Category(s): Therapeutics
Mouse Model for Insulin Resistance
Opportunity Description Oregon State University is SEEKING RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS or LICENSEES for pharmaceutical R&D, or obesity and diabetes research, to exploit A NEW TYPE 2 DIABETES MOUSE MODEL. Created by Oregon State University professor Chrissa Kioussi, the mouse model is a SKELETAL MUSCLE SPECIFIC PITX2 NULL MOUSE. Development of the mouse...
Published: 5/10/2021   |   Inventor(s): Chrissa Kioussi
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Diabetes, insulin resistance, pharmaceuticals, Type 2 Diabetes
Category(s): Biological Materials, Chemical, Medical Devices, Therapeutics
New Approach for Treatment of Type I Diabetes
Technology Description This licensing and collaborative research opportunity relates to a new approach to treating diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM). The patent pending methods of treatment focus on the use of compounds that provide suppression of autoimmune responses that lead to destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The possibility of preventing disease...
Published: 5/24/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nancy Kerkvliet, Siva Kolluri
Keywords(s): Diabetes, Drug, Immune, Therapeutic
Category(s): Chemical, Therapeutics
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