Search Results - polymer

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Substituted Phenols and Benzenes for Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals and Synthetic Materials
Technology Description This technology licensing opportunity is for novel phenol and benzene compounds with any number of substituents and complete positional selectivity. Synthesis of the compounds is achieved by a new synthetic method. The method provides a one-step conversion of readily available starting materials to give phenols with complete...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chris Beaudry, Xiaojie Zhang
Keywords(s): agrochemical, benzenes, chemistry, medicinal, organic, pharmaceuticals, phenols, polymer, substituted, synthesis
Category(s): Agricultural, Chemical, Therapeutics
Extrusion System for 3D Printing of Viscous Elastomers
Technology Description Researchers at OSU have developed a novel 3D print system that enables precision printing of complex structures from flexible elastomers, including multiple component curing silicone. Two or more precursors are pumped to the printhead for mixing and extrusions, while temperature and rheological properties are monitored and controlled....
Published: 6/23/2021   |   Inventor(s): Osman Yirmibesoglu, Yigit Menguc
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, polymer, silicone elastomers, Soft Robotics
Category(s): Engineering, Device, Materials Science, Physical Science, Research Tools
Antimicrobial Surface Coating
Background of Invention Advances in biomaterials engineering have led to numerous successful technologies in the medical field and have improved the quality of life for millions of people. However, there are still problems with blood coagulation, fibrosis, and infections associated with currently available materials. Most materials used in medical...
Published: 6/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Joseph Mcguire, Pranav Joshi
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Antimicrobial, Peptide, polymer
Category(s): Engineering
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