Search Results - Transportation

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Retinomorphic Sensors
This sensor, intended for use in computer vision applications, only produces a signal in response to changes in light conditions. Background Inspired by the way retinal cells respond to light, retinomorphic sensors are hoped to enable faster identification of moving objects than software-based approaches. Unlike conventional optical sensors, such...
Published: 3/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Labram
Category(s): Device, Engineering, Imaging, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Transportation
Feature Extraction & Segmentation
Technology Description A common task in systems that utilize LiDAR data is the extraction of useful features from the cloud of points that LiDAR systems produce. This task is vital, and Norvana offers an efficient solution to the problem of feature extraction and segmentation of point cloud data. Given a collection of LiDAR data with 1 million points...
Published: 3/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Erzhuo "Ezra" Che, Michael Olsen
Keywords(s): lidar
Category(s): Software, Transportation
LiDAR Trajectory Reconstruction
Technology Description Mobile LiDAR systems are used in a variety of applications such as mapping and autonomous vehicles. A fundamental part of mobile systems is deriving the trajectory of the LiDAR unit as it is moving. Many LiDAR systems do not capture this data requiring it to be reconstructed. This method for trajectory reconstruction offers the...
Published: 3/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Erzhuo "Ezra" Che, Michael Olsen
Keywords(s): lidar, mobile laser scanning, Point cloud, Trajectory reconstruction
Category(s): Software, Transportation
Contour Connection Method: A DEM-Based Landslide Inventorying Algorithm
Technology Description Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a streamlined method that uses software to process some basic bare earth lidar data inputs, returning identity and class of possible landslide locations, enabling improved resource allocation in landslide risk assessment and mitigation. The technology uses a novel algorithm...
Published: 1/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ben Leshchinsky, Michael Olsen, Michael Ewald, Burak Tanyu
Keywords(s): Computer Software, Emergency Response, Forestry, GIS Software, Housing Development, Infrastructure Protection, Insurance Mapping, Pipelines, Railroads, Web GIS
Category(s): Engineering, Imaging, Software, Research Tools, Physical Science, Transportation
Low Cost Methods for Producing Microchannel Process Technology
A manufacturing architecture that uses microchannel flow inserts to enable stamping and avoid photochemical etching Background Microchannel process technology is useful in a variety of applications including heat exchangers, solar cells, hydrogen storage, and chemical reactors. The surface-area-to-volume ratios of microchannels are as large as...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Brian Paul, Samuel Brannon
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemical Synthesis, Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Storage, Heat exchangers, Heat Transfer, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Areospace Engineering, Metal Alloy, Microchannel, Mixing, Nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, Physical Science, Physics / Applied Engineering, Process/Procedure, Reactor, Research Tools
Category(s): Device, Engineering, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Research Tools, Sustainability & Cleantechnologies, Transportation
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