Search Results - lidar

2 Results Sort By:
Feature Extraction & Segmentation
Technology Description A common task in systems that utilize LiDAR data is the extraction of useful features from the cloud of points that LiDAR systems produce. This task is vital, and Norvana offers an efficient solution to the problem of feature extraction and segmentation of point cloud data. Given a collection of LiDAR data with 1 million points...
Published: 3/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Erzhuo "Ezra" Che, Michael Olsen
Keywords(s): lidar
Category(s): Software, Transportation
LiDAR Trajectory Reconstruction
Technology Description Mobile LiDAR systems are used in a variety of applications such as mapping and autonomous vehicles. A fundamental part of mobile systems is deriving the trajectory of the LiDAR unit as it is moving. Many LiDAR systems do not capture this data requiring it to be reconstructed. This method for trajectory reconstruction offers the...
Published: 3/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Erzhuo "Ezra" Che, Michael Olsen
Keywords(s): lidar, mobile laser scanning, Point cloud, Trajectory reconstruction
Category(s): Software, Transportation
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