Dukovcic, S.R., Hutchison, J.R., and Trempy. 2010. Potential of the melanophore pigment response for detection of bacterial toxicity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 24:8243-8246.
Dukovcic, S.R., Hutchison, J.R., and J.E. Trempy. 2010. Conservation of the chromatophore pigment response. J. of Applied Toxicology. 6:574-581.
Hutchison, J., S. Dukovcic, K.P. Dierksen, C.A. Carlyle, B. A. Caldwell, and J.E. Trempy. 2008. Erythrophore cell response to food-associated pathogenic bacteria: Implications for detection. Microbial Biotechnology. 1:425-431.
Knoshaug, E.P., J.A. Ahlgren, and J.E. Trempy. 2007. Exopolysaccharide expression in Lactococcus lactissubspecies cremoris Ropy 352: Evidence for novel gene organization. J. of Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73:897-905.
Trempy, J.E., M.M. Skinner, and W.A. Siebold. 2002. Learning microbiology through cooperation: Designing cooperative learning activities that promote interdependence, interaction and accountability. Microbiology Education Journal (ASM) 3:26-36.