Natural dairy product biopolymer thickener from Lactococcus lactis Ropy352


Technology Description


Natural polysaccharides produced by Ropy352 gives the yogurt a thick, smooth and sweet taste and are generally considered safe. Therefore, no other polysaccharides, like dextran, xanthan, and gellan from potentially pyrogenic inducing bacteria, are needed.


Features & Benefits


  • Natural and Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS)
  • Yogurt made from low-fat or non-fat milk with Ropy352 having appealing texture and taste
  • No additional thickener needed, a strong market appeal for nature and health conscience consumers
  • Strong patent position




  • Ready to be commercialized as yogurt starter
  • Further research needed to be used as a potential food and/or pharmaceutical thickener


Background of Invention


An estimated $50-60 billion is spent annually in probiotics yogurt currently in the US alone. The market is dominated by a few conglomerates. Small and medium sized companies need to bring out innovative products to compete.


Patent Information:
Tech ID:
Joe Christison
Assistant Director, IP & Licensing
Oregon State University
Janine Trempy
Eric Knoshaug
William Sandine
Jeff Ahlgren
Karen Dierksen
Food Science / Nutrition
Medical Science & Technologies
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