Anti-cancer Compounds


Technology Description


This technology describes using compounds to induce cell death in Bcl-2 high-expressing cancer cells refractory to chemotherapeutic drugs but with minimal effects on normal cells. Further, the anti-cancer effect of these compounds is also confirmed in mouse xenograft studies. These results indicate that our compounds are effective as Bcl-2 targeted therapeutics in cancers with high Bcl-2 expression.


Features & Benefits


  • Established mechanism of action and proven in vivo efficacy both on primary and metastatic tumor growth
  • Potential to derive additional novel analogs of our lead molecules




  • Cancer treatment


Background of Invention


The ratio of anti-cell death to pro-cell death proteins is an important factor controlling cell survival. Overexpression of anti-cell death Bcl-2 proteins in cancer facilitates initiation, progression, and also facilitates resistance of tumor cells to chemo and radiation therapies. Cancer cells commonly gain resistance to cancer therapies by overexpressing one or more of the pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins. Converting an anti-cell death protein into a pro-cell death protein is a novel approach for cancer treatment.




Patent pending and available for licensing


Patent Information:
Tech ID:
Joe Christison
Assistant Director, IP & Licensing
Oregon State University
Siva Kolluri
Prasad Kopparapu
metastatic tumor
small peptides
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