Search Results - radiation+protection

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Direction-Sensitive Radiation Detection System for Unmanned Vehicles
Technology Description This technology features a low-cost, lightweight, low-power radiation spectrometry system with directional capability that can be used with an unmanned vehicle for autonomous detection, location, and identification of sources of radiation. The direction-sensitive radiation detection system (DSRD) indicates the direction of the...
Published: 1/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Abdollah Farsoni, Eric Becker
Keywords(s): Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction, Emergency Procedures, Emergency Response, Homeland Security, National Nuclear Security, National Security, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Power Engineering, Radiation Detection, Radiation Health Physics, Radiation Protection, Special Nuclear Materials
Category(s): Engineering
Low-cost and Low-power Radiation Spectrometer
Technology Description The gamma ray spectrometer works by detecting gamma-rays from the surrounding area and generating an energy spectrum based on the readings. A mobile phone can access the device wirelessly in order to display the data. It possesses different modes that allow for low power operation. As a result of being inexpensive and compact,...
Published: 1/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Abdollah Farsoni, Eric Becker
Keywords(s): Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction, Emergency Procedures, Environmental Remediation, Homeland Security, National Nuclear Security, National Security, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Power Engineering, Radiation Detection, Radiation Health Physics, Radiation Protection, Special Nuclear Materials
Category(s): Software
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