Search Results - strawberry

3 Results Sort By:
USDA Strawberry 'Mary's Peak'
Technology Description 'Marys Peak' is a high yielding strawberry that is suited to production in perennial matter row systems. The plants are vigorous and open. This plant architecture combined with large and firm fruit and high yields make ‘Marys Peak’ very efficient to pick and desirable to harvest labor. The fruit are firm with...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Strawberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Strawberry 'Charm'
Technology Description CHARM has held up well with excellent yields in the second harvest season and therefore was assumed to be relatively tolerant to viruses. The most outstanding characteristics of CHARM are its high yield of easily harvested fruit with excellent flavor that were well adapted to diverse and trying locations. The fruit also has a...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Strawberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Strawberry 'Sweet Sunrise'
Technology Description Sweet Sunrise is a high yielding cultivar that has been successfully tested in multiple trials in Oregon as well as Washington and British Columbia. The strawberry has scored well in subjective evaluations of fresh fruit characteristics and as a processed fruit. Sweet Sunrise has a full, and balanced sweet-to-acid strawberry flavor...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Strawberry
Category(s): Agricultural
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