Search Results - raspberry

2 Results Sort By:
USDA Red Raspberry 'Kokanee'
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking to commercialize ‘Kokanee’ a new red raspberry cultivar that was jointly developed by the OSU Department of Horticulture and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. ‘Kokanee’ is a primocane fruiting (fall fruiting; everbearing) type raspberry that produces bright red,...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Raspberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Red Raspberry 'Vintage'
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking to commercialize Vintage, a new raspberry cultivar. Jointly developed by the OSU Horticulture department and USDA Agricultural Research Service, Vintage yields bright red colored, sweet, flavorful fruit that is suitable for local and wholesale fresh market. Yields and fruit quality have been...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Raspberry
Category(s): Agricultural
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