Search Results - malting

2 Results Sort By:
LIGHTNING™ Barley (DH130910)
Technology Description Lightning – this is the first facultative two-row multi-use variety in the world! It was developed by Oregon State University (OSU). The variety has excellent disease resistance, resistance to pre-harvest, sprouting, and will be a high yielding variety for those interested in producing barley for feed, pearling, and/or...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Patrick Hayes, Tanya Filichkin, Scott Fisk, Laura Helgerson
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Malting
Category(s): Agricultural, Biological Materials
THUNDER™ Barley (10.0777)
Technology Description THUNDER™ - a two-row winter, malting barley developed by Oregon State University (OSU) - has met AMBAs requirements and was selected for the 2019 recommendation list for malting barley’s. THUNDER™ is higher yielding than Endeavor and equivalent to Wintmalt, considering all the available data: irrigated, dryland,...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Patrick Hayes, Chris Mundt, Tanya Filichkin, Scott Fisk, Laura Helgerson, Brigid Meints
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Barley, Malting, Plant, Plant Varieties
Category(s): Agricultural, Biological Materials
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