Search Results - blackberry

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USDA Blackberry 'Columbia Sunrise'
Technology Description ‘Columbia Sunrise’ is the earliest ripening thornless blackberry currently on the market. It has very good yields of medium sized well-formed fruit that taste good. ‘Columbia Sunrise’ can be machine harvested for the processed market. The early ripening characteristic gives fresh market growers an extended...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Blackberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Blackberry 'Hall's Beauty'
Technology Description ‘Hall’s Beauty’, tested as ORUS 3453-2, was selected in Corvallis, Ore. in 2008 from a cross made in 2005 of NZ 9629R-1 (NZ 9336FI.0 x NZ 9256RHB.4) and ORUS 1939-2 (NW 8832-1 [NZ 8316I21 {‘Boysen’ x ‘Marion’} x ‘Waldo’] x ‘Siskiyou’). ‘Hall’s Beauty’...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Blackberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Blackberry 'Columbia Giant'
Technology Description The most outstanding characteristics of ‘Columbia Giant’ are its good yields of extremely large well- formed fruit. The fruit quality is excellent for fresh due to its visual appeal. The extremely large size, over 12 g, can make packaging in clam shells for fresh market problematic but the size is very positive for...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Blackberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Blackberry 'Columbia Star'
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking to commercialize the Columbia Star Blackberry. In a collaboration between the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and the Washington Agricultural Research, they have created a thornless, machine harvestable, high quality blackberry for the processed...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Blackberry
Category(s): Agricultural
USDA Blackberry 'Onyx'
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking to commercialize Onyx, a new blackberry hybrid plant. Jointly developed by the OSU Horticulture department and USDA Agricultural Research Service, Onyx yields firm, sweet, and high quality fruit that is suitable for local and wholesale fresh market. Yields and berry quality have been evaluated...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Finn
Keywords(s): Berry, Blackberry
Category(s): Agricultural
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