PVP Wheat, Soft White Winter 'ORCF-103' - Clearfield®

Technology Description
ORCF-103 is best adapted to dryland wheat-growing regions in north-central Washington (blue shaded areas). Secondary areas of adaption (red regions) are the larger dryland wheat-growing regions in northeast Oregon and southwest Washington.

ORCF-103 is a cross between Eltan, FS-4, Stephens, and Madsen. It is an awned, intermediate stature, medium-late maturity variety with moderate straw strength. Not only is this variety high yielding, but what really sets ORCF-103 apart from OSU’s other CLEARFIELD varieties is its exceptional winter hardiness with good emergence and vigor from deep seeding. ORCF-103 is tolerant to snow mold, Fusarium crown rot, and cephalosporium.

Features & Benefits

  • CLEARFIELD® herbicide technology
  • Superior winter hardiness
  • Tolerant to snow mold and Fusarium crown rot


  • Cakes and pastries
  • Asian-style noodles
  • Middle Eastern flat breads

Background of Invention
ORCF-103 incorporates an herbicide resistance trait and was developed in cooperation with BASF Corporation and USDA-ARS. When ORCF-103 is used in combination with Beyond® or Clearmax® at labeled rates, this CLEARFIELD® technology provides growers with an effective tool for control of several grassy weeds. ORCF-103 is a traditionally bred (not genetically modified) wheat variety that carries an altered form of the acetolactate synthase enzyme. The altered enzyme is not affected by imazamox, the active ingredient in Beyond® herbicide and one of the active ingredients in Clearmax® herbicide. ORCF-103 is resistant to the herbicide and many weeds are susceptible to damage when sprayed.

Patent Information:
Tech ID:
Denis Sather
Senior IP & Licensing Manager
Oregon State University
C. James (jim) Peterson
Plant Varieties
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