Technology Description
This technology licensing opportunity relates to pomace based molded pulp products and packaging. Molded pulp is used as a protective packaging and in products such as floral containers, nursery pots, food trays, and beverage containers. It is commonly made using fiber from recycled newspaper and other wood based sources, but reduction in the availability of recycled newspaper has created a need for alternative fibers. Fruit pomace, the byproduct from fruit juice and concentrate processes, is a readily available alternative fiber source. Oregon State University’s researchers have demonstrated the potential for pomace based molded pulp products by successfully incorporating apple, blueberry, and cranberry pomace into molded pulp. Alternative molded pulp products based on this technology provide a new opportunity in a growing sustainable packaging market.
Features & Benefits
- Incorporates pomace to provide an alternative fiber source for molded pulp
- Uses pomace waste for sustainable packaging products
- Potentially provides improved water absorption, flexural strength, or flexural strain properties that may support new or better molded pulp products
- Packaging Products
- Food and Beverage Trays
- Nursery Containers
Background of Invention
Traditional molded pulp packaging materials and products, such as food containers and packaging materials, are commonly made from fiber slurries that contain about 96% water and 4% fiber from wood pulp or recycled paper. Molded pulp has been developed into two major categories, 1) plain molding, which collects fibers from slurry, removes water through implementing vacuum, and then dries the molded pulp in an oven, and 2) precision molding, which utilizes the mold during drying.
Patented, U.S. Patent no. US11078630B2; available for licensing.