Chemical Stabilization of Graphite Electrodes

The process has been extensively tested and replicate results obtained. A long-term study on stability of the chemically treated graphite electrodes is underway.

Technology Description
The technology describes a simple, economical and scalable flow bath chemical treatment of a graphite electrode surface to extend its useful life by up to 10-fold. This chemical treatment method is applicable to numerous systems where graphite electrodes perform electrooxidation or electroreduction.

Features & Benefits

  • Chemical process is performed at room temperature without need of additional special equipment
  • Chemical bath is easy to make and inexpensive
  • Entire treatment process takes less than one hour and can be performed on existing electrodes
Patent Information:
Tech ID:
David Dickson
IP & Licensing Manager
Oregon State University
Alexandre Yokochi
Michael Lerner
Alexander Bistrika
Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI)
Biological & Environmental Engineering
Chemicals / Chemical Engineering
Materials Science
Physics / Applied Engineering
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